Game of Thrones Map: Every Kingdom, Castle, and Landmark You Need to Know

Introduction to the Game of Thrones Map

The Game of Thrones map is one of the most detailed and complex fictional maps ever created, bringing George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire universe to life. The map spans the continent of Westeros, home to the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, and Essos, a vast land filled with ancient cities, mysterious civilizations, and nomadic tribes. There are also lesser-known lands like Sothoryos and Ulthos, which remain largely unexplored in both the books and the TV series.

Understanding the Game of Thrones map is crucial to following the epic battles, political conflicts, and character journeys that define the series. This article will provide a comprehensive look at the geography of Game of Thrones, including key locations, historical significance, and real-world inspirations behind the landscapes.

The Geography of the Game of Thrones Map

The Game of Thrones map consists of three major known continents:

  1. Westeros – The primary setting, home to the Iron Throne, noble houses, and the Seven Kingdoms.
  2. Essos – A larger landmass across the Narrow Sea, featuring Free Cities, the Dothraki Sea, and ancient ruins.
  3. Sothoryos and Ulthos – Two distant, mostly unknown continents south of Westeros and Essos.

Each region has its own culture, politics, and landscapes, shaping the events of Game of Thrones in unique ways.

Westeros: The Seven Kingdoms and Their Key Locations

Westeros is the heart of Game of Thrones, home to the Iron Throne and ruled by various noble houses. The continent is divided into several regions, each governed by a powerful family.

1. The North

  • Ruled by: House Stark from Winterfell
  • Notable locations:
    • Winterfell – The ancestral home of House Stark, one of the oldest castles in Westeros.
    • The Wall – A massive ice wall built to protect the realm from White Walkers.
    • Castle Black – The main stronghold of the Night’s Watch.
    • The Dreadfort – The former seat of House Bolton.

The North is vast, cold, and home to some of the most resilient warriors in the Seven Kingdoms.

2. The Riverlands

  • Ruled by: House Tully from Riverrun
  • Notable locations:
    • Riverrun – A castle at the heart of the Riverlands.
    • Harrenhal – The largest castle in Westeros, but cursed and mostly abandoned.
    • The Twins – A key crossing point controlled by House Frey.

The Riverlands are often caught in the middle of conflicts due to their central location.

3. The Vale of Arryn

  • Ruled by: House Arryn from The Eyrie
  • Notable locations:
    • The Eyrie – A nearly impregnable mountain fortress.
    • The Bloody Gate – The main entrance to the Vale.

The Vale is known for its mountainous terrain and defensive strength.

4. The Westerlands

  • Ruled by: House Lannister from Casterly Rock
  • Notable locations:
    • Casterly Rock – The Lannister stronghold, built above vast gold mines.
    • Lannisport – A major city and trading hub.

The Westerlands are rich in resources, making House Lannister one of the wealthiest families.

5. The Reach

  • Ruled by: House Tyrell from Highgarden
  • Notable locations:
    • Highgarden – The seat of House Tyrell, known for its beauty and wealth.
    • Oldtown – Home to the Citadel, where Maesters are trained.

The Reach is the most fertile land in Westeros, producing much of the realm’s food.

6. The Stormlands

  • Ruled by: House Baratheon from Storm’s End
  • Notable locations:
    • Storm’s End – A strong fortress built to withstand powerful storms.

This region is known for its harsh weather and battle-hardened people.

7. Dorne

  • Ruled by: House Martell from Sunspear
  • Notable locations:
    • Sunspear – The capital of Dorne.
    • The Water Gardens – A retreat for the ruling family.

Dorne has a distinct culture influenced by the Rhoynar and remains largely independent.

King’s Landing: The Political Center of Westeros

Located on the east coast, King’s Landing is the capital of Westeros and home to the Iron Throne. Key locations include:

  • The Red Keep – The main fortress and seat of power.
  • Flea Bottom – The poorest district of the city.
  • The Great Sept of Baelor – A center of religion, later destroyed by wildfire.

King’s Landing is the backdrop for major political intrigue, betrayals, and wars.

Essos: The Lands Across the Narrow Sea

Essos is larger than Westeros and home to many powerful civilizations.

1. The Free Cities

  • Independent city-states such as Braavos, Pentos, and Volantis.
  • Known for trade, banking, and diverse cultures.

2. The Dothraki Sea

  • A vast grassland controlled by nomadic Dothraki horse lords.

3. Slaver’s Bay

  • Home to Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen, where Daenerys Targaryen fights to end slavery.

4. Valyria and Its Ruins

  • The former center of the Valyrian Freehold, destroyed by a mysterious catastrophe.

The Hidden Lands: Sothoryos and Ulthos

Little is known about these continents:

  • Sothoryos – A jungle-filled land with dangerous creatures and diseases.
  • Ulthos – An even more mysterious land, barely mentioned in history.

Battles and Wars That Shaped the Game of Thrones Map

  1. Robert’s Rebellion – Overthrew the Targaryens and led to Robert Baratheon’s rule.
  2. The War of the Five Kings – A multi-front battle for the Iron Throne.
  3. The Battle of the Bastards – Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton for control of Winterfell.
  4. The Long Night – The final battle against the White Walkers at Winterfell.

Real-World Inspirations Behind the Game of Thrones Map

  • Westeros is shaped like the UK and Ireland.
  • The Free Cities of Essos resemble medieval Italy and Greece.
  • The Dothraki Sea is inspired by the Mongolian Steppe.


The Game of Thrones map plays a crucial role in shaping the story’s politics, battles, and character arcs. From the icy lands beyond the Wall to the golden deserts of Dorne, every region adds depth to the epic saga.

By understanding the Game of Thrones map, fans can fully appreciate the world-building and storytelling that make A Song of Ice and Fire one of the most immersive fantasy universes ever created.

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